Thursday, February 8, 2007

Another thing I wanted to do was to use the act of tying as a switch to initiate the element to the heat up. I experimented with 2 pieces of conducting fabrics at two ends that one need to tie together to get the circuit to work. It was very erratic and never got around including it in my scarf.

Hacking these samples I realized that it was nothing but the carbon fabric that had positive and negative electrodes attached to it for the input power. And since the surface area of the carbon was small it was easy to heat it up with an input of 9v.

This concept, I applied in the warm scarf that I made for the class project. It was a funny wearable since the connecting cables were partially cable and partially conducting thread since it was difficult to attach the attach the thread to the battery pack. Also the heating elements came with a cable that I cut and used as buttons that complete the circuit to allow the elements to heat up. I also used some of fabric to insulate the heating element and uniformly dissipate the heat, so that the wearer has a feeling of the temperature slowly rising and yet not getting too hot.

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