Thursday, February 8, 2007

Rang De

I love the season spring, it defines a new beginning and everything positive, everything beautiful. It is a period of lush green nature, bright colors and festivity. A lot of Indian Marriages are scheduled during this time. Our marriages are elaborate affairs that involves dance, music and fun that spans over a week. And with the spring in the backdrop, it is a scene of happiness in totality.

Though I am not sure about what I really want to do, but I do want to explore traditional Indian themes through a wearable that is techie and yet could be culturally associated with India. This is more to do with the fact that I love bright colors, noise and the hustle – bustle of daily life, clinking of metal, the sound of frying something, the wearing of brightly colored saris with almost non existing blouses, the use of Red in almost everything that is considered holy, and beautiful brides draped in 9 yards of cloth that has the fine work of a weaver and craftsman who had in mind the perfect bride while he weaves and sews sequence and thread to great a masterpiece. I am still not sure as to what I want to do, but yes it will be an extension of that’s craftsman’s work.

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